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George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum November 18th, 2014 through April 26th, 2015

An exhibit of twenty-five vibrant paintings, sculptures and prints, featuring bold color, energetic patterns, and abstract compositions inspired by Japanese designs and origami forms.

“The artist, whose work combines complex geometry and painterly invention, is particularly fascinated by the kimono, the traditional dress of Japan and the obi, the wide sash that is worn as a belt with it. She appreciates the “beauty and tenacity” expressed through the garments and notes that Japanese women continually recycle and layer fabrics to create unique looks and patterns. Garfinkel is also inspired by the color field artists of the mid-20th century who explored different optical effects by manipulating their canvases. Garfinkel carefully arranges her forms in very specific ways to create a uniquely approachable and participatory aesthetic experience.”

The exhibition features pieces from Garfinkel’s important series, Gingko Kimono, collaged etchings from the late 1980s; paintings inspired by the obi; etchings from the Kiku (Chrysanthemum) series; Kado woodcut prints, Hanabi maquettes and aluminum Flip paintings.

Organized through Katharine T. Carter & Associates.


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